Saturday, September 10, 2022

We are just the Care takers

Yesterday was a perfect day to get outside! The sun was shining and the grass is green again after so many rainy days. There was slight breeze and the temperature was only in the low eighty's .

It takes two of us some days to mow this land and today we are sharing that time together.  I love hearing the sounds of mowing. When one neighbor mows it's like a chain reaction and the next one starts mowing their yards. Funny how that sound can stir the pot... 

As I was mowing my mind was on so many thoughts and then I looked up and saw the beautiful blue sky and those wondrous white clouds. I stop and thanked God for sharing such beauty and how thankful I am for him allowing my husband and I to be the care takers of this home and land. All we have belongs to him ! Without God we could not have the strength or the means to  mow and keep his land groomed.  God has allowed us to live here for forty eight years . This home has been the shelter over our heads,  a place to sleep, raise two children, and see our grandkids playing in the yard. We will be Gods caretakers until he takes us home to live with him but today we will  mow the green grass, fill the breeze, and see the beauty he shares with us , his care keepers !


  1. We are so very blessedπŸ™

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