Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Our life will Continue on

The Sun is shining and the wind blows and wispers through the big Oak tree outside in our back yard. I look up now and then and see the hummingbirds fluttering around the feeder and then zoom away quickly. There goes a lizard running across the patio pavers and dashes under the airconditioner unit. In the back pasture our horses are grazing on the green grass and the roping steers are lazily lying under the sweet gum tree. I'm very thankful that God allows us to take care of this little piece of land , out in the country. We may own it on paper, but HE is really the landlord, the keeper who allows us to dwell here and enjoy it. We are just his care keepers. 
The world is in a pandemic, something we never thought we would face. Life as we know it outside our home spaces changed in Feburary. Schools and Churches closed, jobs were lost, businesses shut their doors. Hospitals stopped doing surgerys, and doctors stopped seeing patients in their offices. People paniced and horded cleaning items, tolet paper, and food. Curfews were put into effect and everyone had to start wearing masks... Life changed. 
But God is still in control. Social media held school, churches, and jobs on line. As I sit here watching the beautiful scenery and life around me, I don't see change. God did not change, His presence is all around me as I hear the birds, feel the wind in my hair, and look up at the blue clouds.
Life in the world may have stopped, may have changed, but God is in control.
The state I live in, Louisiana, locked down 52 days ago. I documented the days as they clicked by. One day, years from now, our grand children and great grandchildren will study about this "Corona 2020 Pandemic", and I want them to know that our life may have been dictated by government, but not destroyed by the devil. God got us through this and will get us to the end of it, when ever that may be.

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