Friday, December 7, 2012

Pots and Pans

My Sunday school teacher is always reminding us that the ups and downs, problems, stress, unforeseen things that just happen are the pots and pans of life. We all have a sink full of those. Some have more dirty dishes to clean up than others. As I was walking I thought about those pots and pans in my own life. Id be lying if I said I didn't have any. I do, but I turn them over to God daily to help me clean up the dirty, replace the old and rusty, and dust off the ones that are just part of life. My Sunday school teacher is pretty wise!


  1. Very good insight. I also feel your Sunday School teacher is a very wise man.

  2. You do have a healthy thinking and a cancer survivor can agree with you.

  3. interesting article about pots and pans
    thank you very much
