Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Drowning the calories

I finally decided that I wanted to do more than just my normal 4 mile ,walk/run's in the morning so I signed up for water aerobics three times a week. I still can get my walk / run in after day break and make the class by 8:30 . It is a lot of fun and they haven't thrown the life saving ring at me as of yet.
Did you know that one of the most effective ways to exercise is water aerobics?  It uses more muscle with every movement under water causing a more efficient workout than even running.  Actually, by doing water aerobics you’re able to burn double the calories!  
I never was much of a pool person, thou we had a nice above ground pool when the kids were small. But even then, I didn't stay in the water long.
I found this interesting...did you know that just a 30 minute water workout burns more calories?

  • Land walking: 135 calories
  • Deep water walking: 264 calories
  • Jogging on land: 240 calories
  • Deep water jogging: 340 calories


  1. Can u swim ? What about your hair ? Hahahahaha !

  2. Thanks for the information. Very interesting. I am excited about this summer. I have a pool & can't wait to start a water aerobics program too.

  3. Oh, I forgot to say "I love the cartoon" That is soooo funny.

  4. Hi, I started yesterday doing my own classes in my pool for an hour a day. Felt so much better after I got done. Worked out this morning the water is about 70 but really feels good after I get in. But I sure was hurting this morning... Well, don't loose to much weight you look great!Love RH

  5. Running in a pool is one of the exercises I've seen to train runners. I'm not exactly sure what it does.
    Isn't it funny how heavy the styrofoam feels in the water? Have fun!!

  6. Oh My Gosh, yes! They feel like 100 pounds. I keep bobbing up like a buoy trying to keep the weights under and my feet flat. lol!
