Saturday, February 4, 2012

Cancer is about one thing. Hope.

Please visit my other post by clicking on the page tab, My Skin Cancer Journal . Read the post by my Guest blogger, Jana, from A Doctor and a Nurse
As a nurse, she has witnessed many of her patient's hope stories.  My mother had Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis and held on to hope until she died. Hope to get well, Hope in her Doctor, Hope to breath without an oxygen machine, Hope to get off her medications. She didn't give up on Hope. Jana's patients didn't give up on Hope.  No one wants to give up Hope. 


  1. Good advice Sis. I am glad there are blogs like yours & Jana's to remind us of the dangers & hope of cancer. I hope everyone will visit & join my blog as well. I also talk about skin cancer & the dangers of the sun & tanning beds. I also talk about another treatment for basil cells using Blue-U treatments as well as before & after photos during my treatment. Lv ya sis!

  2. Me gustΓ³ mucho la lectura de los mensajes en tu blog. Me gustarΓ­a invitar a usted a venir de mΓ‘s a mi blog y comprobar que funciona. Dios los bendiga, Lloyd

    1. Translated...
      I enjoyed reading your blog posts. I would like to invite you to come over to my blog and check it out. God bless you, Lloyd

      Thank you, Lloyd. I checked out and joined your blog. I look forward to reading more of your posts.

  3. Much good perfection blog, boa they postact.
    That the Sir our God comes to bless you still more.
