Thursday, December 29, 2011

To Blog or not to Blog

I have been looking back on blog posts that I wrote the last two years and being reminded why I started blogging in the first place. I have days, sometimes months of things I want to write about and the words seem to flow off the keys as I type. Then I have days or weeks that I have writers block so to call. God has given me many thoughts that I have wrote about. He has walked with me on my early walks and showed me the beauty he has painted, talked with me about my life, reminded me of purpose in life...all of which I have shared in my blog posts.
I have shared family, vacations, fun times, crafts, recipes, and humor. I have added photos, funny images, and videos.
Blogging has been rewarding, a stress relief, a diary, a confession, and a hobby. I now have four blogs and each one is as rewarding as the next and each one is different.
I have met some wonderful people who share my passion in the blogging world...
I choose to Blog! I look forward to the New Year and many more blog posts to share with my followers...


  1. I'm glad you are choosing to continue. For a minute there at the beginning of this post, you had me worried!

    Looking forward to a blessed New Year!

  2. Yes! Blogging is so much fun, therapeutic and a good way to get to know others.
    Cheers to blogging in 2012!!

  3. Keep it up Sis. You are doing a great job.
