Monday, September 23, 2024

Still waiting

The room is full of people coming and going and being ushered in through closed doors as I sit here and wait for my turn. Looking around the room some are on their phones, some sit quietly as if they are about to fall a sleep, others are talking to someone sitting next to them. 

I start to reflect back five years ago when I sat in this same room waiting . Didn’t enter my mind that the news I would receive that day would change things. 

Mrs. Hall, they say as they stand at the door. I follow the person down a hall and into a small room. A few questions and then things are being attached to me .  They are cold, just like this small room. 

Now I’m in here alone and I wait again. 

Life is always about waiting. We wait for a loved one to visit. We wait for dinner time , we wait for the mailman. We wait for the laundry to finish . We wait at red lights wanting them to hurry and turn green. We wait in long lines when we shop. I could go on and on about when we wait but there is one I don’t mind waiting for. That’s the day the lord takes me home and I’ll wait no longer. 

Today might be that day or tomorrow , or before the door in this small room opens again. 

For now I’ll just sit here and wait and think about those people in the other room that are still waiting.