From that very first time I saw this cute guy , wearing a cowboy hat and heading across the back of the campground in Texas, I wanted to know more about him. I was just a camper spending two weeks at Camp Langston located in Mt. Pleasant,Texas. He was working a summer job as a Wrangler there at the camp. I spent time riding horses on the trail rides just to be able to talk to him . My time at camp was soon ending and so on the day I left camp, I conveniently left a small note thanking that cowboy for being so nice and letting me ride horses with him at the front of the line, and I placed it in the mail room in his box. I really didn't think I would ever hear from him but I was wrong. A month or so went by and I got my first letter from him. Was so surprised! We soon became pin pals writing each other. I looked forward to those letters and reading what was going on in his life. That was a long time ago and we wrote for close to five years, keeping up with each other and what was going on in both our life’s . We finally went on our first date when he came to see me in Mississippi after my graduation in 1973. He was on his way back to Texas from working on a barge. The next time I saw him was in Irving, Texas in 1974 while my mother and I were visiting my sister. It was there that he asked me to marry him. Then he came back about a week later and we traveled to Mt. Pleasant, Texas where I married that Cowboy on March 10. That was 51 years ago today. I still have every letter he ever wrote and will always cherish how we fell in love through those letters. I am so thankful God had me look up and see that cowboy walking back across the campground so long ago❤️
Happy Anniversary to My Cowboy. Love you babe❤️