Tuesday, February 21, 2017

God's the Master of the Trees

God's the Master of the Trees

I'm always looking at the changes in the trees throughout the seasons, especially when I'm on my morning walks . God is always showing his presence in the beautiful sunrises and sunsets but he also shows his presence in a tree. Ever think about it?  Next time you look at a tall Oak and really take a look at it, you'll see it's branches stretching out to the sky. That tree didn't grow over night. It takes years, first starting out as an acorn and then a tiny young tree. It may or may not grown straight. It may or may not survive the weather and the bugs. It offers a home for many years from the smallest of birds, many squirrel family's, and even a wise Old Owl. 
I stop and stare up at its mighty strength in those branches that are reaching out to the heavens and wonder how old are you? 
Each tree is different. Each one of a different color, different size, different looking in many ways. 
See, I told you that God shows his presence through even the trees. We're not that different than a tree... we're different in color, in shape, and so much more. 
I don't think I could pick which time I like as far as the trees in different seasons. It would be a four way guess.
The trees in the Winter are Naked of their leaves and show their entire strength in every branch and direction. 
The trees in the Fall are beautifully painted by the Master, with colors that take your breath away.
The trees in the Spring bloom with life, budding and coming to life as being born again.
The trees in the Summer are green and full and shading. 
No, I never tire of looking at the trees and seeing Gods presence.

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